Client: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Book: Forscherinnen im Fokus — Wir schaffen Veränderung
Publisher: Fraunhofer Verlag
Authors: Manja Mai-Ly Pfaff-Kastner, Esther Packullat, Isabel Michel, Lisa Martha Hecker, Tanja Manuela Kneiske
Softcover, 200 pages | 21 × 21 cm
Artificial intelligence and simulation at a glance
I had the pleasure of designing the layout of a very complex book for Fraunhofer. It is full of success stories of female scientists working in the field of artificial intelligence and simulation for various Fraunhofer Institutes. The many exciting life stories are aimed in particular at young women and provide an extraordinary insight into the diverse opportunities in applied research, be it mathematics, computer science or science and technology.
The book
42 portraits and “Frau N. Hofer”
In keeping with the target group, I developed a very fresh and colorful layout that portrays 42 women and their research fields, divided into five thematic blocks. Each portrait has an individual color tone, which also serves as a navigation flag on the right-hand side of the page – matching the respective article and the corporate design of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The book is enriched by the many beautiful illustrations of the character “Frau N. Hofer”, drawn by Antonia Rinck, who guides the reader through the pages.
I really enjoyed working with the team of Manja Mai-Ly Pfaff-Kastner, Esther Packullat, Dr. Isabel Michel, Lisa Martha Kunkel and Prof. Dr. Tanja Manuela Kneiske!