Client: Max Weber Program, German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Brochure: Max Weber Program – for the promotion of talented students at universities in Bavaria
52 pages, 190 x 240 mm
The anniversary booklet
The Max Weber Program – a funding program of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation which is part of the Elite Network of Bavaria – celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2015. For this special occasion, the Max Weber team commissioned me to design an equally special brochure – young, fresh, modern and unconventional. I was delighted that so much trust was placed in me and that I was given so much freedom in the development and design of the brochure! In close cooperation with the Max Weber team, we finally produced a 52-page brochure that presents the idea behind the Max Weber program with great attention to detail and lots of good photographs. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Max Weber team once again, especially Marina Hrkać, Nicole Kreft and Dr. Anke Dörner for their friendly and competent cooperation!
The brochure
Illustrations and graphics
In addition to many small graphics and typographic finesses, I also contributed a large illustration and a double-page infographic for the brochure: For the article “Bavaria in Bonn”, I crocheted a map of Bavaria, traced the contours of Germany with wool and made a knot protrude from Bavaria to Bonn. The infographic “Max Weber Program in Figures” shows interesting facts about the scholarship holders of the Max Weber Program using real figures made from paper.
Printing and finishing
Parallel to designing the brochure, I also took care of the printing. The cover was given the special color Pantone Orange and was given a partial varnish. This created an effective contrast between velvety matt and glossy, which also makes the brochure something special to the touch. Thanks to ultra HD printing, all the images are also shown to even better advantage.