Design book cover Failure in the Sciences

Client: Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg FAU
Zentralinstitut für Wissenschaftsreflexion und Schlüsselqualifikationen (ZiWiS)
Book: Scheitern in den Wissenschaften (Failure in the Sciences | Publishers: Michael Jungert and Sebastian Schuol

Science errs upwards

I was asked to design the cover for the book “Scheitern in den Wissenschaften” (Failure in the Sciences), published by Michael Jungert and Sebastian Schuol and released by mentis. In keeping with the topic, I transformed a light bulb into a labyrinth in which, apart from a few dead ends and detours, you can reach your goal in several ways. Have fun exploring!

→ to the Buch

3D Illustration Failure in the Sciences | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design meets Science

Water, fat & membranes


3d cartoon animation

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