Infographic resilience

Client: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Magazin: Fraunhofer magazine
Issue 2/2020

Resilience as jukebox and high striker

I created two infographics on the topic of resilience for the Fraunhofer magazie. The first part was about the so-called Resilienz-O-Mat, a tool that determines the resilience of a company. For this, I designed a special jukebox in Cinema4D that spits out the results of the resilience evaluation instead of playing music. This 3D model has since become one of my absolute favorite objects I’ve ever designed!

8 dimensions of resilience
Fraunhofer Magazine / The eight dimensions of resilience / Design: Daniela Leitner, Design meets Science

In another infographic, I have illustrated the so-called “eight dimensions of resilience”, also with a twist: As a fictitious high striker. The principle is based on eight questions that companies and organizations can use to test their own resilience

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Research on ice


Illustration hydrogen – Fraunhofer magazine

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