Infographics pets, streaming & the climate
Client: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Magazine: Fraunhofer magazine
Issue 1/2020
The somewhat different life cycle assessment
For the current issue of the Fraunhofer magazine weiter.vorn, I was once again able to contribute some infographics and illustrations. For the cover story, I evaluated a Swiss study on the ecological footprint of pets and staged the whole thing with 3D and colorful smoke. Anyone who has horses will be amazed: keeping these pets causes 3.1 tons of CO₂ per year – which corresponds to a distance of 9170 kilometers by car. Dogs cover an annual “mileage” of 2830 kilometers and cats 1160 kilometers. The only question is what conclusions to draw from this. For me as a cat fan, one thing is clear: I’d rather have it purring ON my lap than UNDER it …
The infographics
A second infographic sheds light on the ecological footprint of video streaming. Here, too, there are some amazing things to discover: for every hour of video streaming, you could also drive 3.5 kilometers by car or eat 61.4 grams of beef. That doesn’t sound like much at first, but it’s the sum that counts: The digital industry is currently on such a strong upswing that it now emits twice as much CO₂ as all global air traffic! If this trend continues unchecked, it could overtake the CO₂ emissions of all motor vehicle traffic by 2025 (which should be avoided at all costs) … → read magazine
Darknet icons
A stark change of subject, albeit no less sinister: for another article in Fraunhofer magazine about the top 10 darknet services, I designed small icons in app style, each with a pinch of humor but still fitting the topic. The two green icons represent two rather harmless services, while the other eight red websites are definitely anything but legal.