Space travel and drinking straws

5232 Das Magazin des Paul Scherrer Instituts (PSI) / Design Infografik Produkt & Helferlein: Raumfahrt & Trinkhalme, Daniela Leitner

Client: Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Magazine: 5232 — The magazine of the Paul Scherrer Institute
Issue 3/2020

Of the ISS and straws

This time, the Product & Little Helper section of the PSI magazine focused on self-preservation systems in space travel and drinking straws. For the illustration in the Everyday Life section, I recreated the ISS space station in Cinema 4D and in the Research section, I staged a stylish cocktail glass with a straw. These drinking straws were misused in research to fill measuring instruments with powder. This was much more successful than with special devices.

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