Client: bild der wissenschaft, Konradin Mediengruppe
Magazine: Issue 8 2014
Cardboard folder
For the August 2014 issue of bild der wissenschaft, I had the pleasure of designing an entire cover section that revolves around the internet and social media. The “INTERNET file”, which I staged with a lot of paper illustrations and the camera, consists of a total of eight card folders, which represent the eight articles of the cover topic. The following aspects are revealed as soon as the folders are opened:
- I Dislike – Why Facebook makes you unhappy
- N OMG! – Is social media destroying our language?
- T Synchronized – What influence do online friends have?
- E Do not panic! – What is the real danger of cyberbullying?
- R Lazy commitment – When is a click useless?
- N Caution, contagious!– Does data spread on the net like real viruses?
- E Hot potato – Can social media accelerate revolutions?
- T Horoscope – Will Facebook survive?