Water, fat & membranes

Illustrations for the magazine of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) | Daily Life & Research: Water and fat in membranes | Design & infographic: Daniela Leitner, Design meets Science

Client: Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Magazine: 5232 — The magazine of the Paul Scherrer Institute
Issue 3/2021

First enemies, then united

Water and fat don’t usually go hand in hand. But biological membranes make it possible for them to become friends after all. Membranes serve as protective covers for all our body cells. They are made up of many molecules lined up next to each other, with the inside consisting of fat and the outside of water. For the “Daily Life & Research” section of the PSI magazine, I staged a salad bowl with vinegar and oil for the everyday life part and designed a membrane for the research part.

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