Interview mit Daniela Leitner auf über die Physik, ihre Diplomarbeit Als das Licht laufen lernte und ihre Rolle als Kommunikationsdesignerin in der Wissenschaftskommunikation

Interview with Daniela Leitner on

I was interviewed about my work as a designer in science: how it all began with my diploma thesis When …

Vom Atheismus über die Wissenschaft zu Gott | Livestream mit Daniela Leitner beim Apologetik Projekt

From atheism through science to God | Livestream with Daniela Leitner at the Apologetics Project

Driven by the question of the meaning of life, and after many years of research, I wrote my book When …

Daniela Leitner | When the light learned to walk (Als das Licht laufen lernte)

When the light learned to walk – price fixing has fallen

Almost nine years after its publication, the price of my book Als das Licht laufen lernte (When the light learned …

ERC Starting Grant: Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen: 3D-FNP Writing / TU Darmstadt / Design Präsentation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

ERC Starting Grant for Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen: 3D-FNP Writing

Prof Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen, chemical scientist at the TU Darmstadt, asked me to support her in designing her presentation for …

Vortrag »Als das Licht laufen lernte« / Daniela Leitner in der Archenhold-Sternwarte Berlin / Veranstalter Gather around Light

Lecture by Daniela Leitner at the Archenhold Observatory Berlin

I was able to give a lecture at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin – the very place where Albert Einstein …

Vortrag Daniela Leitner an der Universität Darmstadt zum Thema visuelle Wissenschaftskommunikation | © Junior-GBM Darmstadt

Lecture “Design meets Science” at the TU Darmstadt

I visited the Technical University of Darmstadt to give a talk about my work at the interface between design and …

Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes / Kulturakademie Weimar 2016 / Seminar »Design trifft Wissenschaft« von Daniela Leitner

Seminar ‘Design meets Science’ / Cultural Academy Weimar

In my workshop ‘Design meets science – how images make knowledge understandable’, I first taught the students in my group …

ERC Starting Grant | Universität Bayreuth Visirday: Passive Kühltechnologie im Wohnhaus | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

ERC Starting Grant for Professor Dr Markus Retsch, University of Bayreuth

The research proposal by Professor Dr Markus Retsch – Lichtenberg Junior Professor of Polymer Systems at the University of Bayreuth …

Universität Bayreuth Visirday: Passive Kühltechnologie im Wohnhaus | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

ERC presentation — Goodbye air conditioning

The University of Bayreuth has commissioned me to illustrate a very important presentation: Professor Dr Markus Retsch is researching a …

Dokumentation 8. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation | Kernbotschaft in Wort und Bild | Workshop Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

8th Science Communication Forum / Review

Together with Jill Enders, I held a workshop in which we helped the participants to put their ideas, their …

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