Data Visualization


Infographic Biodiversity fact check | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design meets Science

Infographic biodiversity fact check

For the “Biodiversity fact check”, I illustrated 6 ecosystems in a very complex 3D scene in “low poly style” as …

Infografik wissenschaftliches Bohren: Kontinentales Tiefenbohrprogramm Windischeschenbach | Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Infographic geology

In the fourth infographic on the topic “scientific drilling”, I illustrated the Continental Deep Drilling Program Windischeschenbach in 3D. The …

Infografik wissenschaftliches Bohren: Geothermie | Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Infographic geothermal energy

The third infographic on the subject of “scientific drilling” was about geothermal energy. Measurements in the boreholes of geothermal networks …

Infografik wissenschaftliches Bohren: Klima der Vergangenheit | Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Infographic climate of the past

In the second infographic on the topic “scientific drilling” I illustrated how we can use drill cores to gain insights …

Infografik wissenschaftliches Bohren: Erdbeben | Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Infographic earthquakes

I designed a series of infographics on the topic of “scientific drilling”. The first graphic shows earthquakes and illustrates which …

Glioblastom: Krebs und das Nervensystem | Animationsfilm Deutsche Krebsstiftung | Film Animation & Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Cancer and the nervous system animation

Glioblastomas are cancer cells in the brain that behave similarly to nerve cells and can therefore communicate with each other …

Cover Design Cool Chips: Upcycling Chips Bags for Passive Daytime Cooling | Advanced Materials Technologies | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Cover infographic “Cool Chips”

I created a cover illustration for the journal Advanced Materials Technologies about the upcycling of the film used in crisp …

Infografik Avantgardistische Inhaltsstoffe | Chemie-Cluster Bayern | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Infographic innovative ingredients

In this infographic, I have illustrated avant-garde products. Thanks to biotechnology, the cosmetics and food industries could be revolutionized. Applications …

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