Studio for visual Science Communication

Portrait Daniela Leitner | Design trifft Wissenschaft

Hi! My name is Daniela Leitner, I’m a German Communication Designer with a great passion for explaining science – since the publication of my diploma thesis Als das Licht laufen lernte. I take pictures, make films, illustrate and animate in 2D or 3D and mix these techniques to create new extraordinary visual worlds that impart knowledge in an understandable, fresh and sometimes humorous way. For scientists and students I also provide creative-workshops, in which the participants can take a look behind the scenes of my kind of working. Thereby they learn how to communicate scientific issues visually – aesthetically outstanding in a way that arouses interest and reaches the target group accurately.


Infographics explain complex aspects way better, faster and more exciting than pure text alone can do – whether in popular science or in a graphical abstract for scientific journals.


Illustration & Photography

Illustrations and Photographies transform information into stories that arouse emotions – thereby it’s easier to memorize them.

Illustration & Photography

Film & Animation

Films and Animations impart knowledge in a very special way. Moving images, combined with music, unfold a huge impact. Therefore they are extremely easy remembered, when it is to convey information in a short period of time.

Film & Animation

Editorial Design

Editorial Design combines text and images to a strong unity to breathe life into the content of books and magazines.

Editorial Design

Icon Reagenzglas | Daniela Leitner | Design trifft WissenschaftCV Daniela Leitner

Since 2012
Freelance Dipl. Designer Daniela Leitner | Design trifft Wissenschaft

Since 2015
Freelance Designer for Ernst Klett Verlag (Stuttgart)


Since 2013
Free Author for Verlagsgruppe Random House (Munich)


2013 – 2021
Freelance Designer for bild der wissenschaft (Leinfelden-Echterdingen)


2013 – 2017
Freelance Designer for the National Institute for Science Communication (NaWik) (Karlsruhe)


2012 – 2014
Freelance Designer for Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Heidelberg)


Diploma with distinction


Since 2006
Freelance Communication Designer


2004 – 2012
Study at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe / Communication Design


Born in Naila (Bavaria)

Logos Kunden | Daniela Leitner | Design trifft Wissenschaft



bild der wissenschaft, Konradin Mediengruppe


Chemie Cluster Bayern


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG – German Research Foundation


Deutsche Krebsstiftung


Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY


DLR – German Aerospace Center


DKG – German Cancer Society


Ernst Klett Verlag


Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW


Fraunhofer Gesellschaft


Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE


Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP


Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg


Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) Luxembourg


German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)


German Rheumatism Research Centre Berlin – DRFZ


Haus der Astronomie


Hector Fellow Academie


Heidelberg University


Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)


Helmholtz Center Munich


Hochschule Geisenheim University


Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)


Kösel Verlag


KIT – Karlsruhe Institute for Technology


Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH)


Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL)


Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth


Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien


Leipzig University


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


Medical University of Vienna


Nature Genetics, Nature Publishing Group


NexWafe GmbH


Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI


Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes


Sympra GmbH


Technical University of Darmstadt


Technical University of Munich


University of Bayreuth


Universität Hamburg


University of Mannheim


University of Regensburg


University of Stuttgart


University of Tübingen


University of Würzburg

Design Awards | Daniela Leitner | Design trifft Wissenschaft



Nominee for the Opus Primum Förderpreis of the VolkswagenStiftung
for the best scientific newcomer publication of the year:
Als das Licht laufen lernte | Eine kleine Geschichte des Universums, publisher: Bertelsmann


Nominee for the Scientific book of the year 2014, cathegory esthetics:
Als das Licht laufen lernte | Eine kleine Geschichte des Universums, publisher: C. Bertelsmann


The Best German Book Design:
Als das Licht laufen lernte | Eine kleine Geschichte des Universums, publisher: Bertelsmann
Shortlist of the best 108 books


Award Special Mention of the German Design Council
in the context of the German Design Award 2014
for my diploma thesis Als das Licht laufen lernte


Nominee at the German Design Council
for the German Design Newcomer Award 2014


Silver Nail at ADC Junior Award
for my diploma thesis Als das Licht laufen lernte


Red Dot Award: Communication Design
for my diploma thesis Als das Licht laufen lernte


Diploma with distinction
Als das Licht laufen lernte


:output award
for the seminar work Licht im Raum


Award at the ADC Junior Award
for the seminar work fashionac

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