Glioblastom: Krebs und das Nervensystem | Animationsfilm Deutsche Krebsstiftung | Film & Design Daniela Leitner

Cancer and the nervous system animation

Glioblastomas are cancer cells in the brain that behave similarly to nerve cells and can therefore communicate with each other …

Animationsfilm IÖW: Plastik reduzieren | Film Unternehmen und Kommunen | Design und Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Reducing plastic – two films and guidelines for companies and municipalities

I created two animated films, one aimed at companies and the other at municipalities. The aim is to avoid plastic …

Krebs und das Immunsystem | Animationsfilm Deutsche Krebsstiftung | Film & Design Daniela Leitner

Cancer and the immune system animation

This animated video shows how our immune system recognizes and eliminates cancer cells every day.

Langlebige Gedächtnis-Plasmazellen und Auto-Immunerkrankungen | Animation: Daniela Leitner

3D animation plasma cells

In a short animated film and accompanying infographic, I presented a new treatment strategy that could make rheumatism and other …

Animationsfilm rvt | 3D Design & Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

3d cartoon animation

Thanks to special mass transfer components it’s possible to improve your plant capacity. I have animated this video as a …

Animationsfilm Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Design und Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Animated film DFG

I animated the calendar I designed for the DFG’s 100th anniversary and brought the 12 keywords that make up the …

Animationsfilm IÖW: Stromspeicher in der Stadt | Film und Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Animated film electricity storage in the city

I created this animated film for in low poly style. It shows how renewable electricity can be stored decentrally in …

Infographik / Cancer Immunology @ Boehringer Ingelheim / Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Infographic & Animation Cancer Immunology

I created this infographic and animation for Boehringer Ingelheim to explain the field of Cancer Immunology - how to turn …

Film Fraunhofer ISE Energie durch Sonne | Design Daniela Leitner

Energy from the sun

I made this film for the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems and the company NexWafe . It explains a …

Als das Licht laufen lernte. Eine kleine Geschichte des Universums | Daniela Leitner | Buchtrailer | C.Bertelsmann

Book trailer: When the light learned to walk

This short book trailer, which I shot and set to music myself, briefly introduces the “little story” behind my book …

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