Glioblastom: Krebs und das Nervensystem | Animationsfilm Deutsche Krebsstiftung | Film Animation & Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Cancer and the nervous system animation

Glioblastomas are cancer cells in the brain that behave similarly to nerve cells and can therefore communicate with each other …

Animationsfilm IÖW: Plastik reduzieren | Film Unternehmen und Kommunen | Design und Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Reducing plastic – two films and guidelines for companies and municipalities

I created two animated films, one aimed at companies and the other at municipalities. The aim is to avoid plastic …

Krebs und das Immunsystem | Animationsfilm Deutsche Krebsstiftung | Film & Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Cancer and the immune system animation

This animated video shows how our immune system recognizes and eliminates cancer cells every day.

Langlebige Gedächtnis-Plasmazellen und Auto-Immunerkrankungen | Animation & Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

3D animation plasma cells

In a short animated film and accompanying infographic, I presented a new treatment strategy that could make rheumatism and other …

Animationsfilm rvt | 3D Design & Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

3d cartoon animation

Thanks to special mass transfer components it’s possible to improve your plant capacity. I have animated this video as a …

Animationsfilm Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Design und Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Animated film DFG

I animated the calendar I designed for the DFG’s 100th anniversary and brought the 12 keywords that make up the …

Animationsfilm IÖW: Stromspeicher in der Stadt | Film und Animation: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Animated film electricity storage in the city

I created this animated film for in low poly style. It shows how renewable electricity can be stored decentrally in …

Infographik / Cancer Immunology @ Boehringer Ingelheim / Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Infographic & Animation Cancer Immunology

I created this infographic and animation for Boehringer Ingelheim to explain the field of Cancer Immunology - how to turn …

Film Fraunhofer ISE Energie durch Sonne | Design: Daniela Leitner, Design trifft Wissenschaft

Energy from the sun

I made this film for the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems and the company NexWafe . It explains a …

Als das Licht laufen lernte. Eine kleine Geschichte des Universums | Daniela Leitner | Buchtrailer | C.Bertelsmann

Book trailer: When the light learned to walk

This short book trailer, which I shot and set to music myself, briefly introduces the “little story” behind my book …

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